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What order have you set for booting?
Is there a light on the kb?
Is the installation cd in the optical drive? (DVD player)
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Was set to boot from cd i believe .. I was instructed on an relier post to change i from the hd to the cd I believe it was never changed back.

yes kb lights are on. And yes cd is still in cdc rom
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I think it now best to wait for rshaffer61 to come back online as he is the one giving instructions, he may wish to run the repair or remove the cd and reboot to see if the same error is still present.
If possible, you should get a good brand 3.0 volt CR2032 lithium battery as soon as possible, in case the CMOS goes pear shaped again.

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As long as there is a bootable cd in the drive it will attempt to boot to the cdrom.
If you still have no kb and mouse after all this then I suspect we may have a motherboard issue.
Unless you replace the battery and return the bios to at the very least default settings we can't be sure.
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Motherboard issue? From updating a driver? I don't understand how all was well until I d/l that driver. That max driver thing I d/l was the root to this evil lol.

So should I reset to my default settings?

Should I see if I can now go into repair and see if my hd are detected? That's where we last left off b4 trying to change the settings in drives.
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No not from the driver but a coincidental issue that started at the same time. We're jumping ahead of ourselves though at this point as we still have not reversed the driver to make sure that possibly is the issue.
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Oh ok. Lol got very scared. This is my work computer at home which has lots of important documents. :(

What should I do next?
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Try the restore point instructions again and see if it will work now.
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Hello ...

OK I don't know if this is useful information but .. last night I plugged everything up in the tower (kb, mouse, speakers etc). Once it booted up and setup window came up I clicked on R but the kb wouldn't allow me to click on the R .. after thinking about it I just decided to unplug everything except the kb again from the tower (I plugged everything back up last night). So before turning the computer on I unplugged everything again except the kb and it allowed me to click on R but I did get the window saying that setup did not find any hard drives installed in my computer again ....

That's where we got stuck and couldn't figure out how or why it wasn't detecting my drives. So this is where I a now ... again. lol
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OK thanks for the update and I am still discussing this with the others and they may also post here before we get a chance to discuss more.
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k not a problem. Thank you so much. :)
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I know this is frustratingly slow, but please resist the temptation to do your own thing as stated in reply #175, just do the steps as instructed.

Let's see what happens if we move away from the repair screen.
With only the kb plugged into the USB ports.
No cd of any kind in the optical drives. (check both)
Restart the computer and report on the following.

Whatch the HDD activity LED, (see screenshot) does it flicker or light at any time?
is there a light on the kb?
What is displayed on the screen?
Are any diagnostic lights lit?

Have you managed to purchase a battery yet?
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Ok my apologies ..

Nothing in either of the cd-roms .. checked them both. Only kb usb is plugged to tower.

The tower had the number flashing when first turned on but now there are no numbers flashing BUT there is a flashing icon which appears to look like a cylinder .. its green and it was flashing really quickly now its flashing slowly on and off.
kb lights are on.
my windows desktop is on the screen now.

no diagnostics lights (no numbers) just that cylinder like flashing on and off slowly.

No I have not been able to go out and purchase a battery as of yet. Maybe tomorrow since I get off of work early. One question tho .. when I go purchase the battery for my tower .. is there a particular battery?? How will I know which to buy or if its the right one?


Edited by Lexy610, 03 March 2014 - 02:23 AM.

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Oh also noticed once it booted up ... on my desktop I see a bubble from my toolbar on the bottom that reads "your computer might be at risk" No firewall is turned on. Click this balloon to fix this problem.

Guess thru all this it shut it off automatically?
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Hello I was just able to add a pic to that post of what I was describing. I have to shut down for the night and I just looked at my tower that is no longer flashing .. dont know when it stopped but it flashed for a while when I first turned on computer.
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