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Newly built PC will not turn on. Dud motherboard?

doa asrock motherboard troubleshooting

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Numb Remxed

Numb Remxed


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Hi I just built a new PC. Build below:


PCPartPicker Part List


CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600 3.2 GHz 6-Core Processor

Motherboard: ASRock - B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard  

Memory: ADATA - XPG GAMMIX D10 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory

Storage: Intel - 660p Series 1 TB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive  

Video Card: PowerColor - Radeon RX 580 8 GB Red Devil Video Card  

Case: Zalman - S3 ATX Mid Tower Case

Power Supply: SeaSonic - FOCUS Plus Gold 650 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  


So, the PC will not power on. No lights, no fan, etc.. These are the things I've tried so far.


  1. Triple checked all the cables are correctly attached.
  2. Checked the PSU switch is ON. It passed the "paper clip" test with the supplied Seasonic PSU tester.
  3. Tried a different PSU (corsair) with same results -- no power, no lights, no fans
  4. Double checked the headers to make sure they are on the correct pins.
  5. Tried seating the RAM one at a time
  6. Tried to boot the PC directly from the motherboard with the flathead screwdriver method without any success.

At this point, I'm scratching my head.. I'm thinking the motherboard might be DOA. Any other thoughts? Thanks!

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Gday Numb Remxed.

It's unfortunate that the MB has no indicator LEDS or Dbug port.

​You will need to do a basic test.   Remove everything from the MB.   Disconnect all wiring, including the case wiring. except the 24v main and 12v (8 pin)   Make sure the CPU fan plug is on the right header.

Jumper the power on pins.   If the CPU fan spins up and keeps going, install the RAM, test, GPU, test, case wiring last.

If still dead, remove the MB, make sure all the standoffs are in the correct position without any extra ones being present.   Inspect to see if there is anything that could short out the board.

Next, place the MB on top of the MB box, connect the power cables and and CPU fan, power up.


What results please. 

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Numb Remxed

Numb Remxed


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Thank you for your reply! I took the motherboard out of the case and only attached the power supply 24v main and 12v. CPU fan was also plugged in.


Unfortunately, no luck. It still does not power up after jumping the power-on pins.


Some photos for reference.




Edited by Numb Remxed, 04 May 2019 - 09:21 PM.

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The MB or CPU may be defective. Look first to see if there is any damage to the CPU.    Remove the cooler and inspect the top of the CPU for any obvious damage, usually burn marks.

Remove the CPU and inspect the socket for damage, them the CPU for bent/missing/unaligned pins.

If there is no obvious damage, RMA the MB first.

I would also contact the CPU retailer and inform them you are having problems and are going to try the CPU on a new MB, that way you are keeping open your options.


Please do keep us informed, both the good and bad news helps others who may read your post. 


Good luck. 

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Numb Remxed

Numb Remxed


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The MB or CPU may be defective. Look first to see if there is any damage to the CPU.    Remove the cooler and inspect the top of the CPU for any obvious damage, usually burn marks.

Remove the CPU and inspect the socket for damage, them the CPU for bent/missing/unaligned pins.

If there is no obvious damage, RMA the MB first.

I would also contact the CPU retailer and inform them you are having problems and are going to try the CPU on a new MB, that way you are keeping open your options.


Please do keep us informed, both the good and bad news helps others who may read your post. 


Good luck.


Thanks. I'm going to go ahead and return both the CPU and motherboard since I got them together as a combo deal at Microcenter.

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