Hi guys. I am brand new here, as well as very brand new to this world of computer security. I didn't even know what a web developer was until 2 months ago. Not kiddind. But please do not look away yet! If you have a sister, mother, aunt, cousin, think of them and please extend me 10 min of your time. I'm going to make 5 months as fast as possible.
May/June 2019. Possible Virus/spyware started on AT&T Phoenix 4 android that spread to bluetooth, iphone 6, a toshiba laptop, a dell laptop
symptoms- ads, lots of ads. Random calls ad online actuvity middle of the night.
Countless phone calls to At&t voicemail
countless phone calls to shortcodes, all hours of night, countless texts that are not showing up on android.
iphone spitting out 100 web pages in rapid succession, freezing, screen pressing in fromt of me
June/July was the peak
dell computer mirroring what was on my new work iphone xr screen a half a block away
iphone lock screen (entire page) notification that my gmail is remotely being deleted, and 20,000 pictures are going with it (I had no idea I could have that many). I pressed cancel and my account was still there, yet locked out of it for 5 weeks. Its my work email
Toshiba (my rock) now sleeps with the fishes after 6 years with me. Screen black, won't load up
Dell is down. Dell customer support ill not honor warranty and fix my 5 mo old dell (battery is gone). But it comes back up eventually
Dell is currently still riddled with viruses.
unusual activity on social media sited my husband does not have
still late night phone calls that does not ring or come through
still 10 calls to voicemail a day on phone records
August to Currently
Google thinks my husband is comfortably nestled in Boone, NC as his phone sits here. It also thinks he took my tablet with him, as it sits with me. He bought me an onn tablet to replace the 2 work computers that were dead or not usable. Has address, I watched them make a 1300 mile trip and back again in just 3 hrs according to google. Both back to NC and they have stayed there for 3 weeks
On news feeds everything has been way way to spot on for comfort. Like constant references to anxiety disorders I have and never typed. Products I told someone in a grocery store to look at, things I can't even remember but usually one on one convos with my spouse
A computer programmer from my work went into my dell in August and pulled out 27 malware including 2 he has never seen.It had only been biult 5 months before. Didn't phase the computer for even 30 min. Still super slow and bogged down. Toshiba still sleeps with fished. Husband is now through 2 androids, a kindle, and now on an iphone 6s
Weird advertiements and metions on logs about an apple watch and I guess an iphone 8. We now live on 18 acres and no one is even close enough to try to connect to our wifi.
Being told different ports are open on our secured wifi. we have 9 different connections in our 2 person household.
Since day 1, settings are constantly changed daily. Alarms are changed, Now its upgraded. Monday It completely wiped every document and picture I had on the Dell. They did however leave the newest programs, and the recycle bin open. Yes, my self aware virus forgot to take out the f***in trash. haha. This was 2hr after a less skilled computer programmer accessed my comuter remotely as well from out of state. Settings all new, fresh looking computer. Maybe a tad faster. My self aware virus upgraded and cleaned out my computer. nice...
Developr codes
Since July I keep running into 'code'. Websites redirecting to it, gifs on FB opening to it. I'm a bartender that hardly knows how to work Office, I never heard of developper mode, or code, or anything. Suggested sites are all developper sites. Historical searches are code from foreign countries.
I sent some old code to a friend and he said it looked like my husband was doing it.It as a freind's GIF on FB that rediredirected him to code. So his name was throughout the code, including some of his friends he claims to never actually talk to, and including a local ATT rep. My husband can barely type on a computer. I've been with him 4 years. And seeing how google says he's driving up the highway, or travelling 600 miles away, when he's home, I'm skeptical but yet incredibly scared.
Someone was browsing Ford F150 grills for $500 and herbal tea when we walk back into my camper from a walk with my dog. We don't own a ford, or drink tea. My online banl was frozen at that point
Husband gets countless emails of his credit report balances increasing and score going down after unfreezing his credit report which we didn't know was frozen. But we go to credit karma and everything is the same.
In newsfeed I am getting news of Andoids being built with spyware, ATT emplyees stealing info from customers and violating their privacy. It seems too directed and convenient, so I don't click on it. My emails are deleted, Apparently theres 4 ip addresses for one router.
611 has been redirected twice for sure when trying to contact at&t. Maybe more I'm sure. I have called or attempted to chat with them countless times for help, as well as travelled across the state to different At&t's to make sure the local rep doesn't see my activity incase its her.
I've also talked to apple several times. The last time being last week when I travelled 2 hours to get to the closest apple store in person. The yound manager told me immediately "I have worked for apple for 5 years and I have never heard of am iphone getting a virus".... See I've heard that many many times over the last few months. However, I was looking forward to this. It was "Apple",,, These people are so smart, they can help me. He told me to call the cops and sent me to bawl my eyes out on the long way home.
Cops? Yes cops. I have local deputies being sugggested as friends to me on FB with no mutual friends, in a ton I don't have listed as living in.
The only time I have interacted with cops down here in Dixie, the deep deep south; I asked one to help me find a lost dogs owner. The nice confused yound man proceded to tell me how he won't kill strays anymore since the last time the sherriff made him... He just won't do it no more,,,, Nope, just doesn't want to do it. Yeah, I just asked "can you guys help me find his home". Yah. I'm not walking into a police station and telling them "I have spywae and viruses in my smartphone and laptop, please help
All the phones are integrated. So it will suggest fragmented sentences of old texts One that came up too easily was talking about people taking my dog after I died. Yes, that's a gamble to believe. And horrible timing for it to come up.
Like I said logs have mentioned apple atched and iphone 8, but I don't understand what its saying
Amazon now shows pregnancy stuff, expensive womans clothing, apple watches, as recommended by rowsing history. Apps like flashlite, snapchat, stuff like that. Last night Flashlight started on husbands iphone and stayed on or active in background for 8 hours as we slept. It wasn't "on" just playing with itsself in the phone. His history is my stuff. My suggestions come from hacker or him.
So theres a few options it appears. I was the worse, most abusive person to someone in a past life that I dont know about, for someone to keep hounding us for so long.
My husband went from sloppy normal construction worker; to super secret genious spy/computer hacker/programmer/sociopath overnight as I lived in 184 sq ft with him. And player of the year on ALL the different sites all over the world.
The local At&t peeps are having a ball!
Someone at dell is doing some dirty stuff on his end of the computer while he watches this mess
Or I have gotten the worst invasion of everything related to spyware and viruses.
No one believes me. My parents 1200 miles away do not, husband just started to a couple months ago, even the computer programmer who pulled 27 malware, and kept "whoaing", said "Its gone, everything is fine, you're just paranoid". Would be a good sidenote that he set up both my ;laptops for the company. I have no one to talk to or learn from. My closest family is 1200 miles away and inaccessible. I have no car and no money to run even if it is my husband. So I just try to solve ti by myself. My bosses don't even want me to email them after talking to the computer programmer. I can hardly work. 20 min takes 4 hours now on my bogged down computer. I cannot access anything personal on any device.
This has aggravated my anxiety disorder so bad and caused severe depression. I'm scared to rely on my husband. I'm confused and hopeless why this is happening. I feel like I died and am stuck in a horrible B movie.
My husband repeatedly wanted to go to the cops, or switch to another phone company with new sims. Oh yes, we have done plenty of factory resets per the advice of ATT and apple. Some one at tmobile watched what my iphone was doing on the screen, and told me to thro the brand new work iphonexr into the recycle bin, get a new device and switch companies because he said he hadn't seen an iphone like that before. Oh yeah... 2 weeks ago weather.com sent me a pop up of Japanamation pornography. I have pictures of that too. I can assure you (not knocking it), but there has never been pornography on this iphone xr, which is 4 months old, and iphone can never get a virus". . It could've been a child on it! I have step kids that could've seen it. And I worry about them too. What site maybe could they have gone on. Or?? They've bypassed our parental controls before, and changed the password.
Most the files are long erased and gone. Just gone, all of the sudden. Requested data logs corrupted, moved or deleted. But I do have some. Most are screen shots I tried to tuck away. Can anyone offer some advice? Please? This is the only time I have tried to reach out to the public. I was scared they would just turn off my computer again, drop my call again, or my spy husband would see it and kill me. That's a joke, but yes all this scared me very bad.
Apple store in Jackson Mississippi was horrific, didn't even give me 3 minutes to talk. However their customer service is super nice. Dell is a nightmare and had 12 different offices remote access my work comouter until I cut it off. Unfortunately the activity had already started to the phones
We have been late muliplt times for alarms that will not sound, miss 100s or 1000's of phone calls and texts due to an explainable "Do not disturb" like settings on both phones. Google, google assistant, youtube, amazon, facebook, android, instagram all seem to be affected for us.
If anyone has even the slightest clue what I can do. Please god help me. I'm finding weird email addresses, even weirder locations, activity, suggestions for other bank accounts. It's just endless. I suppose if you want to call me crazy you can do that too. Current lines of defense; only Malware, McAffee which says my computer is 100% perfect! Lucky me eh?? And 1 overextended hopeless waitress on a way long trip to [bleep] that detoured in Dixie. Thank you.
Ps, no I'm not spell checking this. If this post it will be the first time I was lucky enough to successfully complete something like this.