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One Million Xbox Live Users Banned

xbox360Microsoft is tired of piracy – and they’re doing something about it in a very big way. In a statement released by the company, they state: All consumers should know that piracy is illegal and that modifying their Xbox 360 console to play pirated discs violates the Xbox Live terms of use, will void their warranty, and result in a ban from Xbox Live..

Reactions around the globe are varied… and passionate on both sides of the coin. Teens who have had their accounts cut off are definitely not happy, even when they fully admit to being guilty of piracy and console modifications. One such banned player, who hails from the UK, told a radio station this morning that he is “gutted” and “distraught” by Microsoft’s decision. He was even noted to be seen crying loudly in public. However, this same person also admits to paying a local electronics shop more than $100.00 to mod his Xbox for him – so he can play pirated games.

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Malwarebytes vs. IObit – Where Does the Truth Lie?

mbamEverywhere I turned online yesterday, there was conversation surrounding the Malwarebytes blog post, in which they have very publicly accused IObit of stealing their proprietary database(s). It’s being talked about in blogs, on forums, via newsletters and news sites, and within private mailing lists. People chatted about this on IRC, and fights were instigated on various forums as to the validity of the claim.

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