7 Mar, 2012
It’s not called the iPad 3, or the iPad HD. Simply the “new iPad”. While we could get into another discussion about this solidifying Apple’s intention as a “post PC” company, it also illustrates the complexity of today’s cloud based infrastructure.
The new iPad runs on essentially the same hardware as the iPhone 4S. There’s no technical reason the iPad can’t run Siri. Leaving only one explanation. Unexpected success of the iPhone 4S killed Siri on the new iPad. Despite it’s 500,000 square foot size, there is likely little room for expansion at Apple’s new North Carolia data center. Showcasing how even a billon dollar investment can be too little in today’s cloud based era. Also illustrating how difficult is to scale such large infrastructure. You simply don’t build another 500,000 square foot data center over night to meet demand.

It’s not unrealistic to assume that Apple scaled their new data center to support both the new iPhone 4S, and the new iPad. However, iPhone 4S sales exceeded their wildest expectations, leaving them no choice but to limit Siri functionality on the Pad to dictation.
5 Oct, 2011
The passing of Steve Jobs means there will be, or already is, a proliferation of blogs, essays, and articles remembering a man who helped revolutionize how we use computers, how we listen to music, and how we use our phones. A fitting finale would have been the announcement of the iPhone 5 the day prior to his passing, but it wasn’t to be. I could write the typical article lauding his accomplishments and mourning his death at much too young an age (being just 5 years younger, I wholeheartedly feel he died much too young). I don’t feel, however, that I could do justice to his life and accomplishments, and much has been written already. Instead, I’ve decided to give thanks for his creative genius, for that, coupled with the equally creative genius of that other computer company (no, not Dell; Microsoft) has made sites such as Geeks to Go a haven for those desperately seeking help for these sometimes confusing and uncooperative pieces of technology upon which we so desperately rely. Read the rest of this entry »
13 Jan, 2011
McAfee recently released it’s threat predictions for 2011 (PDF). Among the forecast for 2011:
- Social Media including Facebook, Twitter and instant messaging will distribute more malware than email. Related are short URL service abuses, and personalized attacks that appear to originate from your friends. Think twice before clicking a short URL to open that video your Facebook friend sent you. If you’re required to install something to view the video, it’s almost certainly malware.
- Mobile malware has been predicted for some time. Could 2011 be the year mobile malware makes its presence felt? Smartphone use has exploded, for both personal and business use. Rootkits and botnets are making their way onto these mobile devices. They are attractive targets. Not only are the devices used for banking and online access, but the camera and microphone can be hijacked as well. If malware has “root” access on your phone, chances are it has access to your email, Facebook, contacts, even GPS location.
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4 Feb, 2010
You know exactly who I’m talking about, don’t you? Fanboys are those people who swear that one manufacturer or another is better than everyone else. They will argue until they are blue in the face, claiming that nothing can possibly come close to being as good as their beloved company and its products. I have witnessed some ludicrous statements in my time coming from fanboys, but none as bad as the one directed at me on Wednesday – from an Apple fanboy!
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27 Jan, 2010
It’s finally official: Apple is releasing their very own tablet computer. The sleek little iPad boasts a 9.7 inch display that is a fully-functional multi-touch screen. It’s only half of an inch thick, and weighs just over a pound. You can purchase one of these with anywhere from 16 GB to 64 GB of storage. The device will support WiFi, and some models will allow 3G connections – via AT&T, of course. There’s a built-in speaker and mic, much like the iPhone has. The battery life is purported to be about ten hours! All of this sounds fantastic on the surface, doesn’t it? However, there are a few very large drawbacks that I have to point out.
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15 Jan, 2010
In the name of progress, companies keep pushing themselves to create the next new big THING. We consumers have all gotten quite spoiled. We want more out of our phones. We want our MP3 players to do more than just play music. We want our eBook readers to do more than just read books. We want it all. In order to try and satisfy us, manufacturers are rushing to stuff more features into our already jam-packed devices.
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30 Nov, 2009
It has recently come to light that Apple is denying some smokers coverage under their AppleCare plans. At least two people have gone on record with copies of emails showing that they were denied service on their Apple computers, solely because they were smokers.
In both cases, Apple cited OSHA standards, claiming that cigarette smoke (and residue) are “health hazards”. Therefore, they refuse to force technicians to work on the machines – even though they are technically covered. Furthermore, Apple claims in both instances that the smoke/tar damage on the inside of the machines voids the Apple warranty. However, there is nothing in the warranty about cigarettes – nor their effects on a machine – whatsoever.
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9 Nov, 2009
Up until now, the iPhone has undeniably been the most sought-after phone on the market. It seems like nearly everyone has one these days. I get teased quite often by my boss and friends because I neither have – nor want – an iPhone. What the heck do I “need” one for? I’m happy with my normal run-of-the-mill cell phone. It calls people. It texts people. It even takes pictures and plays music! I work from home, and I don’t travel often. I don’t need a phone that does a million things other than what I already have… or do I?
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9 Sep, 2009
After 15 years as a Windows power user, and current Windows 7 user, a colleague at What the Tech has accepted the challenge of his roomate to give up his Windows notebook cold turkey, and use a similarly equipped Macbook for 30 days. He’ll be blogging about his experience daily. It should be an interesting read, and of special interest to anyone who’s ever considered switching from Windows to OSX.
Link: The Macbook Experience at WhatTheTech.com
29 Nov, 2008

‘Tis the season for giving! In addition to the HP Magic Giveaway, we present 10 chances for you to win a Seagate FreeAgent external hard drive bundle. Winners will get their choice of either a FreeAgent Desk 1TB or FreeAgent Desk for Mac 1TB. AND your choice of a 500GB FreeAgent Go or 500GB FreeAgent Go for Mac portable drive.
The FreeAgent Desk, as its name implies, is intended for desktop use. Its 1TB (~1,000GB) capacity comes in a rainbow of colors, or a silver and white design to match the look and feel of a MacBook. The FreeAgent Go portable is much slimmer, and its 500 GB capacity is also available in your choice of 10 colors, or silver and white in the Mac version.
In addition to Geeks to Go, there are 9 other tech sites giving away bundles. Be sure to enter their contests for more chances to win! (Thanks to Xavier at Notebooks.com!)
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